Tutorial curler stelute

Pentru un curler de acest gen avem nevoie de 12 pentagoane din hartie si un bat de frigaruie/un creion pentru a ondula modulele. Modelul nu necesita lipici.

Asa se obtine un pentagon dintr-un patrat (* vom avea nevoie de foarfeca):
Asa se obtine un modul de curler stelute dintr-un pentagon:
Cele 12 module:

Imbinarea se face dupa cum urmeaza (fiecare colt va avea 3 module adiacente):
Jumatate din curler (6 module):
Imbinarea pentru cealalta jumatate:


  1. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  2. Yes, it's very easy and beautiful. I am glad you understood the tutorial :D

  3. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  4. I saw your post, I do not mind you using the same colors, our models are not alike :D . I like your version with the stars a little bit up than the model.
    I cannot put comments on your blog.

  5. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  6. Raffaela, I understand what you are saying, don't worry.
    You know that you can set your blog to moderate the comments - this means that no comments will be published until you verify and accept them.
    Thank you for the Facebook page. I will visit it for sure.
    Have a nice day :)

  7. Its lovely... both art work and the owner ...

  8. Hallo Clara!
    Mul?umesc (I hope google translator is right and i'm saying thank you in rumanian) for sharing this nice model. It is really fun to fold it! Do you know which is the author? It's a model of you?
    Hope to fold together somewhen!

    1. Thank you! Yes, you were saying thank you in Romanian.
      This is not my model, maybe its author is Krystyna Burczyk, but I am not very sure.

      Happy folding!


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