Book Week_Classroom Doors

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'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story - one of my favourite stories. I wonder if there is a Russian translation of this book? This is our new book cover, the size of the classrom door. It took us 2-3 days to prepare the different parts of the display.

'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story - one of my favourite stories. I wonder if there is a Russian translation of this book? This is our new book cover, the size of the classrom door. It took us 2-3 days to prepare the different parts of the display. (фото 1)

My Year 1-2 students read 'The Rainbow Fish to the Rescue' story and made their own book cover. The little fish was printed out and painted in water colour. The huge fish in the center was created together as a class.

My Year 1-2 students read 'The Rainbow Fish to the Rescue' story and made their own book cover. The little fish was printed out and painted in water colour. The huge fish in the center was created together as a class. (фото 2)

'The Gingerbread Man' story - English version of KOLOBOK :) was created by the Reception class (Pre-Year 1)

'The Gingerbread Man' story - English version of KOLOBOK :) was created by the Reception class (Pre-Year 1) (фото 3)

'Fantastic Mister Fox' by Year 4

'Fantastic Mister Fox' by Year 4 (фото 4)

'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' by the Nursery class (3-4 year olds). This is the English version of 'Masha i Tri Medvedya'

'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' by the Nursery class (3-4 year olds). This is the English version of 'Masha i Tri Medvedya' (фото 5)

'What Are Friends For?' by Year 1

'What Are Friends For?' by Year 1 (фото 6)

Book reviews by Year 2.

Book reviews by Year 2. (фото 7)

This is me reading a book for the Year 1 students.

This is me reading a book for the Year 1 students. (фото 8)

The Year 1 teacher at the same time went to read a book for the pre-Year 1 class called Reception.

The Year 1 teacher at the same time went to read a book for the pre-Year 1 class called Reception. (фото 9)

Parents enjoyed some craft activities related to their stories.

Parents enjoyed some craft activities related to their stories. (фото 10)

This is part of the display on 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story.

This is part of the display on 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story. (фото 11)

Students came to school dressed up as their favourite book characters (as well as teachers!). Parents, well, mostly mothers, came for the day too.

Students came to school dressed up as their favourite book characters (as well as teachers!). Parents, well, mostly mothers, came for the day too. (фото 12)

I wanted to share some photos from our last school year Book Week celebration. The idea was to promote love for reading books. One of the activities involved was decorating our classroom doors as book covers. The teacher and class had to choose their favourite story and make a new huge book cover, the size of the classroom door. It was good fun for the kids and the school corridors looked great. Teachers also swaped classes and read stories for different classes. Parents were also invited and involved in the story related activities. 

Sorry I just couldn't write all this in Russian using English keyboard.

Hope you will enjoy the photos!


Очень понравилась идея украшения двери под обложку книги! Надо предложить в детском саду тоже так оформить - они сейчас читают Чипполино!подмигиваю (ваш английский текст - приятная встряска для мозгов, которые уже начинают забывать английский языксмеюсь)


Спасибо! Фотографиями насладилась! супер!Здорово, что у Вас проходят "книжные недели"!

Мне известны только сказки 3, 4, 5...


очень познавательно!