Счастливой Пасхи!

Тип работы

Мастер-класс Пасха Аппликация Счастливой Пасхи Бумага Картон Клей

В избранных: 18
В избранных: 18


Цыплёнок вылупился!

Цыплёнок вылупился! (фото 1)

Trace over grass model onto green paper.

Trace over grass model onto green paper. (фото 2)

Fold it in half.

Fold it in half. (фото 3)

Glue the bottom half to the back of the piece of blue paper.

Glue the bottom half to the back of the piece of blue paper. (фото 4)

And the front too.

And the front too. (фото 5)

Cut the 'cracks' on the egg along the dotted lines.

Cut the 'cracks' on the egg along the dotted lines. (фото 6)

Pull the egg shell cracks towards the top.

Pull the egg shell cracks towards the top.
 (фото 7)

Glue the egg onto the card.

Glue the egg onto the card. (фото 8)

Cut out and colour in the chick's body parts.

Cut out and colour in the chick's body parts. (фото 9)

Assemble the wings, neck, head and the beak and glue them inside the chick.

Assemble the wings, neck, head and the beak and glue them inside the chick. (фото 10)

Add the Happy Easter greeting.

Add the Happy Easter greeting.  (фото 11)

Here are the templates. I got them from an online children's craft book, but I really can't remember the name of the book. The website was: www.evan-moor.com

Here are the templates. I got them from an online children's craft book, but I really can't remember the name of the book. The website was: www.evan-moor.com (фото 12)

Happy Easter cards that my students made today in our after school craft club. улыбаюсь Works well with younger students, they enjoyed this activity.


Очень хорошая открыточка!


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