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Butterfly heart Basket

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Поделка изделие Валентинов день Вырезание Butterfly heart Basket Бумага

В избранных: 46
В избранных: 46
В избранных: 46
В избранных: 46


Butterfly heart Basket (фото 1)
Butterfly heart Basket (фото 2)

Kind of greeting_front

Kind of greeting_front (фото 3)

Kind of greeting_back

Kind of greeting_back (фото 4)
Butterfly heart Basket (фото 5)
Butterfly heart Basket (фото 6)
Butterfly heart Basket (фото 7)
Butterfly heart Basket (фото 8)


The model is not mine. 
I found a great website some time ago:  http://papermatrix.wordpress.com/about/
I thought I mention this, because someone posted some designs on this site and not remember where to find. There are wonderful works can be found there: video tutorials and diagrams.
The authors of these models are Lene and Anna Schepper situated in Copenhagen, Denmark. Can be contacted on facebook and email if not out a pattern. They are very nice and gives you additional explanation if you fail.

Posted model scheme can be found here:



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