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Never sleeping slipers

 3 из 12 
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Гардероб Вязание крючком Never sleeping slipers Пряжа

В избранных: 3
В избранных: 3


тапки from Murca craftroom

тапки from Murca craftroom

 Love to wear slippers!  If I could I would wear slippers everywhere that I go. I love the way that they feel on my feet.  I have more slippers than regular shoes, when I come home from work I take off my shoes and put on my slippers - like the comfort, I feel relaxed, life is wonderful ?
I just finished a pair of crochet slippers with leather bottom and love the positive energy which comes out of them, so much. This is just my first time trying to do slippers. This one called Never sleeping slippers. Do you know, why I called it so?


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